Career in Law: A Detailed Guide to Start a Rewarding Career in Law 2023-24

career in law


A career in law can be very rewarding. It offers financial benefits and a sense of fulfillment because you get to help people in society understand their basic human rights. To start a law career in India, you typically begin by studying an undergraduate program like LLB/BBA LLB after completing your 12th class. Once you finish this program, you have a choice. You can either become a practicing lawyer or join a law firm. Another option is to enroll in a postgraduate program like LLM to deepen your knowledge and acquire important career skills.

It’s important to know that a career in law in India isn’t just about representing clients in courts or tribunals. It has a broader scope. Besides offering legal advice to government agencies, businesses, and individuals on legal disputes and issues, law graduates can work in various roles such as judges, litigators, consultants, analysts, and more. Your work profile can become even more specialized when you choose a specific area of law to focus on.

Types of Law Careers

When it comes to the various career options in the field of law, it’s important to understand that a law graduate can choose between traditional legal roles or opt for administrative positions. If you’re wondering about the types of jobs available in law, here is a list of some significant roles or sectors where you can establish a successful career:

Career in Law

Here are various types of law careers:

  • Corporate Lawyer
  • Litigators
  • Banking and Insurance: Administrative Law Officer, Specialist Law Office
  • Public Prosecutor
  • State-Level or Local-Level Judge
  • Investigator
  • Criminologist
  • Litigation Support Professional
  • Solicitor
  • Paralegal
  • Lecturer/Professor of Law

Corporate Lawyer

  • A law firm is like a business started by one or more lawyers to make money by practicing law.
  • These firms often grow to serve more clients in different places.
  • Some firms handle big business matters like acquisitions, finance, and taxes, alongside smaller ones.


  • Litigators are lawyers who go to court regularly.
  • They start earning right away.
  • Their job involves helping, writing, talking, and more.

Banking & Insurance Sector

  • Banks and insurance companies have their own legal teams.
  • You can start in this field as an “Administrative Officer (Law)” or “Specialist Officer (Law).”
  • Insurance companies often hold their own exams, even for newcomers.
  • Candidates are chosen based on their performance and interviews.

Public Prosecutor

  • Public Prosecutors are lawyers appointed by the government to represent the state in criminal cases.
  • Exams by state public service commissions are used to select them.
  • This job offers a fixed monthly salary.

Judicial Services

Investigation Agencies

  • Agencies like CBI, FBI, and ED need lawyers to work for them.
  • Candidates are usually selected through tough exams or transfers from other services.


  • Criminologists study various aspects of law, including psychology, sociology, and political science.
  • It’s a good choice for those interested in law and related fields.

Litigation Support Professional

  • These professionals help lawyers manage big cases.
  • They use technology to organize and analyze large amounts of data.


  • Solicitors are experts who draft legal documents and talk to clients.
  • They sometimes represent clients in court.

Legal Academia

  • You can become a full-time professor at a university.
  • Usually, you need an LLM degree, but the process varies by place.


  • Paralegals assist lawyers in law firms.
  • They do important tasks like preparing for hearings, meetings, and client communication.

Other Career Options in Law

  • Law Firm Administrator (also known as Chief Operating Officers/Chief Managing Officers)
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Patent Attorney
  • Immigration Assistant
  • Company Secretary
  • Mediator
  • Trade Mark Attorney

These are various paths you can take to build a successful career in the field of law.

Why Choose Law as a Career ?

If you enjoy taking on challenges, solving problems, and engaging in arguments, a career in law might be the right path for you. Here’s why:

Prestige: Throughout history, this profession has been associated with prestige. Society values the impressive appearance, high salary, and legal authority that come with it.

Diversity: The legal field is incredibly diverse. As legal systems evolve, new career options emerge. You can become a consultant, secretary, paralegal, mediator, judge, or lawyer. The field keeps expanding due to rapid changes.

Opportunities and Growth: Recent years have seen significant changes in the economy, society, and political institutions. These changes have led to increased demand for legal professionals, and it’s just the beginning.

No More Boredom: In this profession, you’ll feel like Sherlock Holmes. You’ll work with papers, evidence, and clues, keeping boredom at bay. Finding patterns to solve cases becomes a thrilling challenge.

Job Security: If you work in an institution or for a corporation, job security is high.

Flexibility: Lawyers enjoy independence. They can set their own schedules, rates, and choose their clients. They can even take time off for research or personal matters.

Power To Make A Difference: Remember how, as kids, we wished for supernatural powers like movie superheroes to change the world? Lawyers have the power to make a real difference by advocating for justice and fairness.

Awareness of Rights And Duties: While we learn about rights and duties in school, we often don’t pay much attention. In a legal career, you’ll gain a deep understanding of rights and responsibilities, which can help you navigate life’s challenges more effectively.

Types of Law

Have you ever wondered which fields of law are in high demand? As we’ve discussed, there are many paths you can take to build a career in law. While you don’t necessarily have to choose a specialization when enrolling in law schools worldwide, it’s a good idea to be aware of the areas where you can develop expertise. Here is a list of various areas in which you can gain expertise:

Criminal Law Business Law Family Law
Real Estate and Property Law Immigration Lawyer Environmental Law
Cyber Law Military Law International Law
Intellectual Property Law Corporate Lawyer Commercial Law
Labour Law Bankruptcy Law Financial and Securities Law


Top Law Courses

Here are the top law courses across various specializations and education levels that you can choose from:

  • BCom LLB
  • BA LLB
  • BSc LLB
  • LLB
  • LLM
  • Master of Business Law (MBL)

Law Entrance Exams

Many students are now considering law as a career choice instead of engineering. However, to secure admission in the best law colleges in India and abroad, you usually have to go through a competitive selection process or clear specific law entrance exams. Here is a list of some of the exams you need to pass to begin a career in law:

  1. Common Law Admission Test (CLAT)
  2. All India Law Entrance Test (AILET)
  3. Law School Admission Test (LSAT)
  4. IPU CET – Law
  5. Army Institute of Law Test (AILT)
  6. Cambridge Law Test
  7. Law National Aptitude Test (LNAT)
  8. DU LLB Exam

Below are some of the top law colleges in India renowned for their law programs:

  1. National Law School of India University
  2. National Law University
  3. Nalsar University of Law
  4. Symbiosis Law School
  5. The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences
  6. IIT Kharagpur
  7. Jamia Millia Islamia

Scope of a Career in Law

The scope of a career in law is vast and diverse. Here are some key aspects to consider:

  1. Diverse Specializations: Law offers a wide range of specializations, from criminal and corporate law to environmental and human rights law. This diversity allows you to choose an area that aligns with your interests and passions.
  2. Job Opportunities: Lawyers are in demand in various sectors, including law firms, corporations, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and academia. You can work as an advocate, legal consultant, judge, corporate counsel, and more.
  3. Global Reach: A legal career often has international opportunities. You can work on cross-border cases, represent multinational corporations, or collaborate with international organizations.
  4. Financial Rewards: Many legal careers offer competitive salaries, especially in corporate law, intellectual property, and mergers and acquisitions. High earning potential is a significant attraction for many in the field.
  5. Social Impact: Law provides a platform to create positive social change. Lawyers can advocate for justice, human rights, and environmental protection, making a meaningful difference in society.
  6. Continuous Learning: The legal profession involves lifelong learning and intellectual challenges. Laws and regulations evolve, requiring lawyers to stay updated and adapt to new situations.
  7. Independence: Lawyers often have the flexibility to work independently, set their own schedules, and choose their clients. This autonomy can be appealing to those who value work-life balance.
  8. Prestige and Respect: Legal professionals are often respected in society due to their role in upholding justice and the rule of law.
  9. Job Security: The legal field tends to be resilient, offering job security even during economic downturns. Legal issues persist regardless of economic conditions.
  10. Entrepreneurship: Many lawyers eventually start their law firms or legal consulting businesses, becoming entrepreneurs in their own right.

It’s important to note that a career in law requires dedication, critical thinking, effective communication, and ethical conduct. Success in this field often depends on your passion for justice and your commitment to making a positive impact on individuals and society as a whole.

Some More Career Options in Law

In addition to traditional legal career paths, there are several alternative options available to law graduates:

  1. Legal Process Outsourcing (LPOs): LPOs hire law graduates for well-paying positions. These organizations handle legal tasks and services for law firms and corporations, providing opportunities for legal professionals in a different work setting.
  2. Social Work: You can pursue a career in social work to benefit the public and act as a bridge between people and the government. This path allows you to address social issues and advocate for positive change in society.
  3. Unconventional Career Paths: There is a wide range of unconventional career options within the legal field, including:
    • Public Policy: Work in government or non-governmental organizations to shape and influence public policies.
    • Immigration: Specialize in immigration law to assist individuals with their immigration-related matters.
    • Criminology: Study and analyze criminal behavior, contributing to crime prevention and justice.
    • Financial Securities: Focus on financial law and regulations, often working with financial institutions.
    • Legal Psychology: Combine law and psychology to understand the psychological aspects of legal cases.

These diverse career paths offer opportunities for law graduates to apply their skills and knowledge in unique and fulfilling ways. The legal field is not limited to courtroom practice; it extends into various sectors where legal expertise is valuable and impactful. Competition books for Law entrance can be found here.


1. What is a career in law all about?

  • A career in law involves practicing, interpreting, and upholding the laws and legal system of a country. Lawyers provide legal advice, represent clients in court, and work to ensure justice is served.

2. What qualifications are needed to become a lawyer?

  • Typically, you need a law degree (LLB) to become a lawyer. After completing your LLB, you may also need to pass a bar exam or meet other licensing requirements, which vary by jurisdiction.

3. What are some common specializations in law?

  • Common law specializations include criminal law, corporate law, family law, environmental law, immigration law, and intellectual property law, among others.

4. How long does it take to become a lawyer?

  • The duration can vary depending on your country’s legal education system. In many places, it takes about 3 to 4 years to complete an undergraduate law degree (LLB) and then additional time to pass the bar exam or meet other requirements.

5. Is a career in law financially rewarding?

  • Law can be financially rewarding, especially in specialized areas like corporate law or patent law. However, salaries can vary widely depending on the location, type of legal work, and your level of experience.

6. What are the work settings for lawyers?

  • Lawyers can work in law firms, corporations, government agencies, non-profit organizations, or as independent practitioners. They may also serve as judges, legal consultants, or legal educators.

7. Do I have to go to court if I become a lawyer?

  • Not necessarily. While some lawyers represent clients in court, others focus on transactional work, legal research, or policy development. You can choose a legal career that aligns with your preferences.

8. What skills are important for a successful legal career?

  • Key skills include strong communication, critical thinking, research abilities, attention to detail, negotiation skills, and the ability to work under pressure.

9. Can I work in international law with a law degree?

  • Yes, with the right specialization and opportunities, you can work in international law, dealing with issues like international human rights, trade, and diplomacy.

10. What are some alternative career paths for law graduates? – Law graduates can explore careers in legal process outsourcing (LPOs), social work, public policy, criminology, financial securities, immigration, and legal psychology, among others.

11. Is a law degree valuable even if I don’t plan to become a lawyer? – Yes, a law degree can be valuable in various fields due to the critical thinking and analytical skills it develops. It can open doors to diverse career opportunities beyond traditional legal practice.

12. How can I prepare for a career in law while in high school or college? – Consider taking courses related to law, participating in mock trials or debate clubs, and gaining experience through internships or volunteering in legal settings. Developing strong writing and research skills is also beneficial.

These FAQs provide a broad overview of the considerations and opportunities associated with a career in law. Specific details may vary depending on your location and career goals.



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